Chiropractic Pregnancy

Chiropractic care in pregnancy is vital to the normal physiological function of both the mother and baby
Benefits During Pregnancy
The greatest benefit of a healthy, well aligned spine is a healthy functioning nervous system. Which means a healthier body that functions more effectively. Beyond the benefit of optimal expression of health, pregnant women experience their own set of pregnancy specific benefits, such as, reduced nausea symptoms, optimal baby positioning, and a quicker, more comfortable labor. Optimal baby positioning may be the most important of these benefits. When a baby is in the proper position the potential for dystocia (or difficult labor) is greatly decreased, allowing for an easier and safer delivery.
From pregnancy, and all the way throughout the early post natal period, mothers can benefit greatly from chiropractic care. Expecting moms are afflicted with a special group of issues that happen to respond excellently to chiropractic care. During the second and third trimester, the hormone Relaxin is released. Relaxin causes Mom's ligaments to relax and allows them to stretch, which is needed for delivering a child. However, this relaxed state of the ligaments often causes low back pain because the ligaments that hold the hip joints together become stretched, resulting in the hip joints becoming easily misaligned. On top of that, during the third trimester, the extra abdominal weight causes a tilted posture that makes the back muscles work twice as hard. This results in back stiffness and pain due to hyperactive muscles. Chiropractic adjustments help correct that posture and realign the spine and hip joints in a way that allows the weight to bear evenly down the back. Chiropractors use special techniques on expecting moms that are gentle and harmless to the baby.
Family Chiropractic

Pregnancy and Beyond
Raising a newborn can be an overwhelming task for Moms. With all the new car seats, doctor's visits and lifestyle changes that come with having a newborn, moms sometimes neglect to have their babies' spines and nervous system checked. All the while they do not realize that interference in the nervous system is something that an average Ob/Gyn, pediatrician, or family doctor doesn't check for. This is why it is so important that children receive chiropractic care.Why have a newborn checked? During childbirth, an infant’s neck is often stretched, tugged, or stressed in a way that may affect their health and the function of their spine. Even during a smooth natural pregnancy at home, the baby's journey through the canal puts enough strain on their tiny spine and nervous system to cause a subluxation. So its important to have your child looked at by a chiropractor. Especially if any of the following symptoms are present:
- Colic
- Constipation
- Difficulty sleeping
- Hyperactivity
- Difficulty crawling and walking
- Attention difficulties
- Recurring colds, infections, or illness
- Hormone imbalances
- Allergies
- Asthma

Kids and Chiropractic
Children should have regular checkups by a chiropractor. Just as they would have a dentist check for proper alignment or disease indicators, a chiropractor checks for alignment and nervous system health. Proper spinal alignment directly results in a better functioning nervous system due to the intimate relationship between the spinal cord and vertebrae. Having an optimally functioning nervous system allows growing children to easily integrate activities in their daily lives. Also, many childhood illnesses like allergies, asthma, and recurring ear or tonsil infections respond well to chiropractic treatment due to heightened nervous system function.Whether it is a fall off a bike or stress from carrying heavy backpacks, there are many causes for subluxations in young ones. If your child has never been checked for nervous system interference, please don't wait any longer, schedule an appointment today.
Is chiropractic safe for kids?
For children, an adjustment is a gentle force application that is carefully delivered much softer then an adult adjustment and with a reduced amount of force. Kids love to be adjusted and they feel great afterward. As children visit our office they begin to understand the importance of chiropractic while they grow and experience a more vibrant life. If your child has previously received chiropractic care, and it has been a while since their last visit, make an appointment today. We look forward to sharing this chiropractic experience with you and your family.